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2 - Install And Setup Plugin

In this section, we will see how to install the WordPress plugin and connect the plugin to the app.

You can also follow along with this video.

Install Plugin#

Login to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New, then click Upload Plugin.

Upload Plugin

Then click choose file and select the file in the Plugin folder and click install now.

Upload Plugin

Then on the screen click Activate button to activate the plugin.

Activate Plugin

Connect Plugin With App#

Setup Website URL In App#

Open the Project in Android Studio.

Open file app/src/main/java/com/<YOUR APP ID>/, and enter your website url in the SITE_URL field.


public static final String SITE_URL = "enter site url here";


public static final String SITE_URL = "";

The website URL must end with a trailing slash (/) like above.


Setup API Key In App#

In your WordPress admin panel navigate to WPInAndroid in the sidebar menu, and on the WPInAndroid page, go to Settings tab, and copy the API key.


Open the Project in Android Studio.

Open file app/src/main/java/com/<YOUR APP ID>/, and enter API key in the API_KEY field.


public static final String API_KEY = "enter api key here";


public static final String API_KEY = "97f4hubcneq08h9ebubiuh08f9";
